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Contact Us


Lawrenceville Fire Dept
PO Box 177
9-11 Mechanic Street
Lawrenceville, PA 16929

Phone: 570-827-2047
Fax: 570-827-2010
Emergencies: 911 or

Email address:
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Residence Area (Membership & Pool Fill Info):

Contact us with any questions. For Emergencies - 911

Join Our Organization!

Membership Application

Recruitment Video

The Lawrenceville Fire Department meets every Monday at 7pm. We conduct our weekly in house training or hold our monthly meetings. The ambulance association meets on the 2nd Monday and the Fire Department meets on the 3rd Monday of every month.
If you are interested in joining our organization, please visit the station on a Monday night to pickup an application. You can also print off the membership application at the above link. To become a member, you must be at least 14 years old and be a resident of Lawrenceville Borough, Lawrence Township, or any bordering municipality of those. Once you have completed the application, turn it in to a member and it will be presented at the monthly FD meeting. The application will then be reviewed by the board of directors. A criminal history, reference check, and possible interview will also take place. At the following monthly meeting, the board of directors will present their recommendation and the canidate will be voted on. New members will be required to serve a 1 year probation while members coming from another department may have their probation reduced to 6 months by providing a recommendation letter from their prior department.

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